Friday, December 25, 2009

Hi there, it's been a while.

I haven't posted in forever! I guess I just feel like no one reads it so why should I update it...but now I've decided I want to be able to look back and remember what we were doing.

MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! I hope everyone's having a great day :) R has gotten me on surprise but he won't let me open it until later. I picked everything else out. I got a laptop, a cute winter coat from NY and Company, boots, earrings, and a bunch of clothes! It was definately a success :) R got an new Xbox since his old one broke, some clothes, a halo boardgame, and a voice recorder (he beatboxes too and wanted something good to record on).
We also bought a house in September! It's perfect, three bedrooms, two bathrooms, and a HUGE backyard. We also got another dog, Blue, we think he's a border collie and beagle mix.

We just finished paying off all of our 'debt'..when we bought the house we had to buy a lawn mower, a fridge, and other random things so now it's all paid off and we'll only have mortgage, car insurance, power, and phone bills every month! I'm so excited :)

We're getting ready to go to FL January 2 to see my family..and meet my new nephew, John who was born November 3!! Can't wait to see everyone :)

Wednesday, June 24, 2009


I had an EKG today. The past week or so my heart rate has been in the 100' day 120. She said it looked ok other than beating way too fast but I have to go back in 4 weeks to re-do it and if it doesn't change I have to be monitered for 24 hours. She did want to give me medicine but since we're TTC I can't take any of it. They drew some blood and are going to be looking at the platelet count and my thyroid. I'm really hoping everything comes back ok!

I got my glasses today! They're made by Coach and so beautiful! It feels so good to be able to see again.

We took Jack out to play today. He loves going out and just running around. I really wish we had a house so he could do it when he wanted to.
Our apartment has a dog park but we took him to the front and played with a frisbee and a ball.
We also got some pregnancy tests from the dollar store! I'm going to take one tomorrow. I really can't wait!

Monday, June 22, 2009

Us and Jack

2 posts in 1 night!

Fun Day

So, Jack isn't 50 lbs yet! He's up to 45.5 lbs. He really doesn't look like he should weigh that much but he does. The appointment went well it was kinda weird..the vet tech trimmed his nails and then the Dr. came in a little later and just said " So she needs a shot today?" Puts in the shot and says "Ok we're done have a good weekend"...first of all, JACK is clearly a boy's But it was ok I guess.They saved us a bunch of money so that's fine with me!
We were both off of work today so we came home and laid and bed and watched tv for a while. I had an eye appointment at 2:30 and I picked out a nice new pair of Coach glasses! They're so cute! My insurance is awesome and we got it for very very cheap. I haven't gotten new glasses in about 5 years so I really needed them. I'm a pharmacy technician so we are on the computer quite a bit and trying to read things sometimes was blurry even with my glasses on so I'm glad I finally got some. :)
The docotor there was really nice too.
After we were done there we went to Firehouse ( for dinner. SOOOO good!! I love that place and we have a frequent vistors card so every meal we get we get a stamp and our 7th meal is free!
After we were done there we went to the mall and I got a new pair of work pants from New York and Company for $7.99! If you have one near you you need to go they're having an awesome sale. I also go a shirt just cause I wanted it :) R got a new's cute. It's really colorful he says it's "an artist's hat". (By the way he's an artist)

So, that was our day. Now I'm getting ready to watch Jon and Kate Plus 8. I'm cleaning while I wait for it to come on.
Hope everyone else had a good day!!

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Nothing too exciting..

Not too much going on! Just been working too much and waiting for AF to show up...hopefully she doesn't!
R might be getting another job! He's been waiting for an opening for a while and is going in to talk with them on Monday. I'm so excited! If he works there for a year they'll pay for him to finish school so that would save us a lot of debt!
Jack (our dog who's half beagle and half bassett hound) is going to a new vet on Monday. We were going to Banfield but they're charging too much and gave us a list of about 8 shots that they said he needed. I asked this new vet and they said he only needs one which is actually a combination of 3 of the ones Banfield said he needed. So it's going to save us a lot of money and hopefully they're right! When we first got Jack from the shelter he weighed 23 lbs. He's now 44 lbs. I'm guessing he's up to 50 now! I'll let you know!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

The First Post!

Well, I finally decided to get one of these things!
I'll try my best to update it but I might forget..haha.

'R' and I got married July 12, 2008 and just started trying to conceive the beginning of June 2009.
We 'met' on a Christian dating website. R lived in South Carolina and I lived in Florida so we were always on the phone. We met in real life a few months later in Daytona Beach, FL at a conference for his Church.
We started dating July 17, 2006 and about a year later (August '07) I moved to SC. I would have loved to stay with my family in FL but he was in school so it was easier for me to move. That November we went to Florida for Thanksgiving and the day before Thanksgiving we went back to Daytona Beach and he asked me to marry him in front of the hotel we stayed at. We were having a picnic and I looked over and saw a bottle with a note in it (aw!). I opened it and it was the sweetest letter I've ever gotten. Then I looked over and there was a shell..he opened it up and the ring was in there! He got on his knee and I honestly don't really remember what he said I was too much in shock.. I know he asked me to marry him and I obviously said yes!
So, we got married on July 12, 2008 and here we are! 500 miles away from all my family and's hard at times but I'm trying to meet new people.
Hopefully we'll have our own little family soon! :)