Monday, January 31, 2011

So much has changed.

In July 2010 we went to Florida to have a baby shower with my family/friends down there. It went so great and we were so blessed by our friends and family. Some major things happened that I can't go into detail about on here but our lives have been changed forever. Then when we were on our way home Jack just wasn't acting himself. He seemed really tired and was walking really slow. At the first rest stop and was barely able to walk :-( Then at the next one he wouldn't walk at all and was dragging his back legs when he did try to. At the last one he wouldn't move at all and whined when we tried to help him. We got home really late and went to the vet first thing the next morning. They said he split a disk in his back and was paralyzed from the waist down. It is something that can happen with basset hounds. He was not able to control his bladder so they gave us a couple options. Do a surgery that might not work and costs $5,000 get a cart made for him to walk around with but someone would have to be home a lot to give him medicine and take him out since he couldn't control his bladder or put him to sleep. We went with the later option since the surgery might not work and we really didn't have an exra $5,000 and we didn't think he'd be happy in a cart. Also with a new baby and us working a lot, didn't know how we'd be able to get him all his medicine and everything else. It was a horrible day (and week really) but he made our lives so much better while he was here and I hope he had a good life with us too.

Blue does not do well on his own. He has very bad seperation anxiety so the vet put him on xanax but it didn't seem to help any. About a month after we put Jack to sleep we got Abby from the same shelter Jack and Blue are from. We believe she's a beagle and some kind of bull mix (maybe pit bull or boxer?) She's sooo sweet and always wants to cuddle! We love her so much.

Random Belly pictures:

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